The Madama Butterfly animation
was interesting to me. I haven’t seen a lot of work done in stop-motion, so I’m
glad to have more exposure to it. I know that the animation process takes a
while. Even to get a few seconds of animation, many frames are needed to be drawn
and colored. But in stop-motion, the animator has to delicately move each part
of the model to achieve their goal. And timing it with music can be even more
difficult! To me, all the hard work put into this animation really shows. One
example is the scene where the lady stands on the seaside as the clouds pass, and
the setting turns from day to night. Not only is the lady’s hair moving, but
the clouds and the sky also change. It all flows very smoothly.
Another thing I found interesting about the film was the
symbolism. The most prominent one is the butterfly, which appears once at the beginning
of the film, once as the man is leaving, and lastly at the end. I think it
represents stages of her life. Once when her relationship has just begun, once
as she has to let him go, and the last one at the end, giving it a sense of
finality. However, at the end, the butterfly lands on the hair of another lady
just like at the beginning, so it may also represent rebirth, as the final butterfly
was also made from the protagonist’s clothing near the end.
An image from the short film |
After reading your interpretation on the short animated film the ending of the film made more sense to me, which originally had left me confused. Great insight!